



# Put in const.py...: class _const: class ConstError(TypeError): pass def __setattr__(self,name,value): if self.__dict__.has_key(name): raise self.ConstError, "Can't rebind const(%s)"%name self.__dict__[name]=value import sys sys.modules[__name__]=_const() # that's all -- now any client-code can import const # and bind an attribute ONCE: const.magic = 23 # but NOT re-bind it: const.magic = 88 # raises const.ConstError # you may also want to add the obvious __delattr__


>>> import random >>> random.randint(10, 20) 20 >>> random.randint(10, 20) 15 >>> random.randrange(1, 100, 0.1 ,float) 46.119009462591606 >>> random.randrange(1, 100, 0.1 ,float) 7.071109538788602 >>> random.uniform(1, 2) 1.081592539297926 >>> random.seed(1) >>> random.uniform(1, 2) 1.1343642441124011 >>> random.seed(1) >>> random.uniform(1, 2) 1.1343642441124011


>>> import decimal >>> dnum = decimal.Decimal("1.1") >>> dsum = decimal.Decimal("0") >>> rnum = 1.1 >>> rsum = 0.0 >>> for i in range(10): ... dsum = dsum + dnum ... rsum = rsum + rnum ... >>> # 丸め誤差がでる >>> rsum 10.999999999999998 >>> # 丸め誤差がでない >>> dsum Decimal("11.0") >>> str(dsum) '11.0'


def guess_encoding(s): encodings=["ascii","utf-8","shift-jis","euc-jp"] for enc in encodings: try: unicode(s,enc) break except UnicodeDecodeError,e: enc="" return enc


class auto_dict(dict): def __getitem__(self, key): return self.setdefault(key, self.__class__()) if __name__ == "__main__": d = auto_dict() d["foo"]["bar"]["baz"] = 42 print d


import threading class TestThread(threading.Thread): """ A sample thread class """ def __init__(self): """ Constructor, setting initial variables """ self._stopevent = threading.Event() self._sleepperiod = 1.0 threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="TestThread") def run(self): """ overload of threading.thread.run() main control loop """ print "%s starts" % (self.getName(),) count = 0 while not self._stopevent.isSet(): count += 1 print "loop %d" % (count,) self._stopevent.wait(self._sleepperiod) print "%s ends" % (self.getName(),) def join(self,timeout=None): """ Stop the thread """ self._stopevent.set() threading.Thread.join(self, timeout) if __name__ == "__main__": testthread = TestThread() testthread.start() import time time.sleep(10.0) testthread.join()


>>> import tempfile >>> print tempfile.gettempdir() c:\docume~1\admini~1\locals~1\temp f=tempfile.TemporaryFile() f.write(aaa)


import csv # CSVファイルを読み込む csvfile=open("test.csv"); if csvfile != None: for row in csv.reader(csvfile): for col in row: print col # CSVファイルを作る writer = csv.writer(open('test.csv','w')) writer.writerow(["a", "1","memo1"]) writer.writerow(["c", "2","memo2"]) del writer # dict型を書き込む writer = csv.DictWriter(open('test.csv','w'),['a', 'b', 'c'], lineterminator = '\n') writer.writerows([{'a':'1', 'b':'2', 'c':'3'},{'a':4, 'b':[5,5], 'c':6}]) del writer


import zipfile z = zipfile.ZipFile("zipfile.zip", "rb") for filename in z.namelist(): print filename bytes = z.read(filename) print len(bytes)


from ConfigParser import ConfigParser # 書き込み f = open("config.ini", "w") parser = ConfigParser() parser.add_section("TEST1") parser.add_section("TEST2") parser.set("TEST1", 'A', 'abc') parser.set("TEST2", 'B', 3) parser.set("TEST1", 'C', ['a', 'b', 'c']) parser.set("TEST2", 'D', {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}) parser.write(f) # 読み込み parser = ConfigParser() parser.read("config.ini") print parser.get("TEST1", 'A') print parser.get("TEST2", 'B') l = eval(parser.get("TEST1", 'C')) print l[0] d = eval(parser.get("TEST2", 'D')) print d['a']


import pickle data = {1:2, 2:3, 3:4} # 書き込み f = open(filename, "wb") pickle.dump(data, f) f.close() # 読み込み f = open(filename, "rb") data = pickle.load(f) f.close()


#日付を取るにはdatetime.dateを使います。 >>> from datetime import date >>> now = date.today() >>> now datetime.date(2003, 12, 2) # 日付を書式付きで出力 >>> now.strftime("%m-%d-%y or %d%b %Y is a %A on the %d day of %B") 12-02-03 or 02Dec 2003 is a Tuesday on the 02 day of December # 日付の差を求める >>> birthday = date(1964, 7, 31) >>> age = now - birthday >>> age.days 14368 #timeモジュールで時間が取れます >>> import time >>> time.ctime() Mon Feb 13 16:22:14 2006 >>> time.gmtime() (2006, 2, 13, 7, 22, 21, 0, 44, 0) # 1970年からの秒数です。 >>> time.time() 1139815346 # 現在時刻を取得 >>> time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S[%a]",time.localtime()) '2007/08/22 10:47:05[Wed]'


#----------------------------- # High Resolution Timers t1 = time.clock() # Do Stuff Here t2 = time.clock() print t2 - t1 # 2.27236813618 # Accuracy will depend on platform and OS, # but time.clock() uses the most accurate timer it can time.clock(); time.clock() # 174485.51365466841 # 174485.55702610247 #----------------------------- # Also useful; import timeit code = '[x for x in range(10) if x % 2 == 0]' eval(code) # [0, 2, 4, 6, 8] t = timeit.Timer(code) print "10,000 repeats of that code takes:", t.timeit(10000), "seconds" print "1,000,000 repeats of that code takes:", t.timeit(), "seconds" # 10,000 repeats of that code takes: 0.128238644856 seconds # 1,000,000 repeats of that code takes: 12.5396490336 seconds #----------------------------- import timeit code = import random; l = random.sample(xrange(10000000), 1000); l.sort() t = timeit.Timer(code) print "Average Time:", t.timeit(1000) / 1000 # Time taken: 5.24391507859


def gethostname(ipaddress): import os,string cmd=('tracert -w 10 -h 1 '+address) #print cmd p=os.popen2(cmd) result = p[1].read() ##print result print string.split(result,\r\n)[1] baseaddress=192.168.11 for i in range(10): address=baseaddress+'.'+str(i) #print addres gethostname(address)


import re reg = re.compile(r"abc") m = reg.search("abcabcabcdedeagc") for txt in m if txt != None: print txt


a = "banana" print a.count('a')


import sgmllib, urllib, urlparse class LinksParser(sgmllib.SGMLParser): def __init__(self): sgmllib.SGMLParser.__init__(self) self.seen ={} def do_a(self, attributes): for name, value in attributes: if name == href and value not in self.seen: self.seen [value] = True pieces = urlparse.urlparse(value) if pieces[0] != http : return print urlparse.urlunparse(pieces) return p = LinksParser() f=urllib.urlopen(http://www.python.org/index.html) BUFSIZE = 8192 while True: data = f.read(BUFSIZE) if not data: break p.feed(data) p.close()


#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # import #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ from HTMLParser import HTMLParser import urllib2 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # クラス定義 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class TestHtmlParser(HTMLParser): """ HTMLParserテスト用 """ def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): print "[starttag]", tag, attrs def handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs) : print "[startendtag]", tag, attrs def handle_endtag(self, tag): print "[endtag]", tag def handle_data(self, data): print "[data]", data def handle_charref(self, ref): print "[charref]", data def handle_entityref(self, name): print "[entityref]", name def handle_comment(self, data): print "[comment]", data def handle_decl(self, decl): print "[decl]", decl def handle_pi(self, data): print "[pi]",data #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # テスト関数定義 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __test(): import urllib2 f =urllib2.urlopen( r"http://www.forexite.com/free_forex_quotes/forex_history_arhiv.html") p = TestHtmlParser() p.feed(f.read()) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # main #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__ == "__main__": __test()


import urllib2 f =urllib2.urlopen(http://diveintopython.org/) htmlSource = f.read() print htmlSource


from xml.xslt.Processor import Processor from xml.xslt.StylesheetReader import StylesheetReader class StylesheetFromDict(StylesheetReader): "A stylesheet reader that loads XSLT stylesheets from a python dictionary" def __init__(self, styles, *args): "Remember the dict we want to load the stylesheets from" apply(StylesheetReader.__init__, (self,) + args) self.styles = styles self.__myargs = args def __getinitargs__(self): "Return init args for clone()" return (self.styles,) + self.__myargs def fromUri(self, uri, baseUri='', ownerDoc=None, stripElements=None): "Load stylesheet from a dict" parts = uri.split(':', 1) if parts[0] == 'internal' and self.styles.has_key(parts[1]): # load the stylesheet from the internal repository (our dict) return StylesheetReader.fromString(self, self.styles[parts[1]], baseUri, ownerDoc, stripElements) else: # revert to normal behaviour return StylesheetReader.fromUri(self, uri, baseUri, ownerDoc, stripElements) if __name__ == "__main__": # the sample stylesheet repository internal_stylesheets = { 'second-author.xsl': """ <person xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" \ xsl:version="1.0"> <xsl:value-of select="books/book/author[2]"/> </person> """ } # the sample document, referring to an "internal" stylesheet xmldoc = """ <?xml-stylesheet href="internal:second-author.xsl" \ type="text/xml"?> <books> <book title="Python Essential Reference"> <author>David M. Beazley</author> <author>Guido van Rossum</author> </book> </books> """ # create XSLT processor and run it processor = Processor() processor.setStylesheetReader(StylesheetFromDict(internal_stylesheets)) print processor.runString(xmldoc)


import ftplib ftp = ftplib.FTP("ftp.host.com") ftp.login(username, password) ftp.cwd(directory) # get file outfile = open(filename, "wb") ftp.retrbinary("RETR %s" % filename, outfile.write) outfile.close() # upload file upfile = open(upfilename, "rb") ftp.storbinary("STOR %s" % upfilename, upfile) upfile.close() ftp.quit()


import smtplib from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase from email.MIMEText import MIMEText from email.Utils import COMMASPACE, formatdate from email.Header import Header from email import Encoders import os def sendMail(to, subject, text, files=[], server="localhost",port = 25, user='', password=''): assert type(to)==list assert type(files)==list fro = "hogehoge" msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['From'] = fro msg['To'] = COMMASPACE.join(to) msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True) msg['Subject'] = Header(subject, 'ISO-2022-JP') msg.attach( MIMEText(text.encode("mbcs",'ignore'), 'plain', 'shift-jis') ) for file in files: part = MIMEBase(application, "octet-stream") part.set_payload( open(file,"rb").read() ) Encoders.encode_base64(part) part.add_header(Content-Disposition, "attachment; filename=\"%s\"" % os.path.basename(file)) msg.attach(part) # g-mail向け送信処理 smtp = smtplib.SMTP(server, port) smtp.ehlo() smtp.starttls() smtp.ehlo() smtp.login(user, password) smtp.sendmail(fro, to, msg.as_string() ) smtp.close() # 通常送信処理 #smtp = smtplib.SMTP(server, port) #smtp.sendmail(fro, to, msg.as_string() ) #smtp.close() txt = u""" これぐらいながいのを送信しても 大丈夫だんだろうかなぁ~ ABCD EFG HIJK --- テスト """ sendMail(["aaaaaaaaaaaaa@aaaaaaaaaaaaa.ne.jp"], u"送信テスト", txt, server="smtp.mail.seaver", port = 1000, user="username", password="password" )


def __download(url , savename =''): """ ファイルをダウンロードする """ # 処理途中で終了した場合に不完全なファイルができるの限り防ぐために、 # ダウンロードをしたデータは一時ファイルに保存する。 # ダウンロード後ファイル名を変更する。 tmpname = r'xhofile.tmp' webfile = urllib2.urlopen(url) tmpfile = open(tmpname,'wb') tmpfile.write(webfile.read()) webfile.close() tmpfile.close() # 名前を変更する if savename == '': savename = url.split('/')[-1] os.rename(tmpname, savename) return savename if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if len(sys.argv) == 2: try: download(sys.argv[1]) except IOError: print 'Filename not found.' else: import os print 'usage: %s http://server.com/path/to/filename' \ % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])


import sqlite3 con = sqlite3.connect(db_name) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT * FROM %s;" % table_name) result = cur.fetchall() print result con.commit() cur.close() con.close()


>>> a = set("hello world") >>> a set([' ', 'e', 'd', 'h', 'l', 'o', 'r', 'w']) >>> b = set("good bye") >>> 'w' in a True >>> a & b set([' ', 'e', 'd', 'o']) >>> a ^ b set(['b', 'g', 'h', 'l', 'r', 'w', 'y']) >>> a | b set([' ', 'b', 'e', 'd', 'g', 'h', 'l', 'o', 'r', 'w', 'y'])


>>> # 名前をベースにした文字列の置き換え機能 >>> import time >>> msg = "Hello %(name)s , it's %(hour)i o'clock." >>> msg % {"hour": time.localtime().tm_hour, "name": "James Random Hacker"} "Hello James Random Hacker , it's 20 o'clock. >>> # テンプレートを利用した文字列の置き換え機能 >>> import string >>> msg = string.Template("Hello $name , it's $hour o'clock") >>> msg.substitute({"name": "James Random Hacker", "hour": time.localtime().tm_hour}) "Hello James Random Hacker , it's 20 o'clock" >>> msg.substitute({"name": "James Random Hacker", "hour": "01"}) "Hello James Random Hacker , it's 01 o'clock"


>>> import time >>> def createdTime(funcObj): ... funcObj.createdTime = time.time() ... return funcObj ... >>> @createdTime ... def foo(x): ... print x + 1 ... >>> @createdTime ... def bar(name): ... print "Hello %s" % name ... >>> # オブジェクトの生成時間がわかる >>> foo.createdTime 1103025973.760793 >>> bar.createdTime 1103026042.8535249 >>> foo(10) 11 >>> bar("World") Hello World


import math def declareArgs(*argTypes): def checkArguments(func): assert func.func_code.co_argcount == len(argTypes) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): pos = 1 for (arg, argType) in zip(args, argTypes): assert isinstance(arg, argType), \ "Value %r dose not match %s at %d" % (arg, argType, pos) pos += 1 return func(*args, **kwargs) wrapper.func_name = func.func_name return wrapper return checkArguments @declareArgs(float, float) def calcDistance(x, y): return math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) print calcDistance(3.14, 1.592) # エラーになる print calcDistance(2.0, 4)


import win32api import win32com.client shell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell") shell.Run("calc") win32api.Sleep(100) shell.AppActivate("Calculator") win32api.Sleep(100) shell.SendKeys("1{+}") win32api.Sleep(500) shell.SendKeys("2") win32api.Sleep(500) shell.SendKeys("~") # ~ is the same as {ENTER} win32api.Sleep(500) shell.SendKeys("*3") win32api.Sleep(500) shell.SendKeys("~") win32api.Sleep(2500)


import win32com.client ie=win32com.client.Dispatch("InternetExplorer.Application") ie.Visible=1 #指定のurlへジャンプするにはIEのNavigate()メソッドを使えばよい ie.Navigate("http://www.msi.co.jp") #busy中に他の制御をするとおかしくなる。 #NG: ie.Navigate(url) print ie.Document.body.innerHTML ie.ExecWB(4,0) #OK: ie.Navigate(url) while(ie.busy): time.sleep(1) print ie.Document.body.innerHTML ie.ExecWB(4,0)


import win32api import win32net import win32netcon def UserGetInfo(): dc=win32net.NetServerEnum(None,100,win32netcon.SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_CTRL) user=win32api.GetUserName() if dc[0]: dcname=dc[0][0]['name'] return win32net.NetUserGetInfo("\\\\"+dcname,user,1) else: return win32net.NetUserGetInfo(None,user,1) if __name__=="__main__": print UserGetInfo()


from _winreg import * print r"*** Reading from SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run ***" aReg = ConnectRegistry(None,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) aKey = OpenKey(aReg, r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run") for i in range(1024): try: n,v,t = EnumValue(aKey,i) print i, n, v, t except EnvironmentError: print "You have",i," tasks starting at logon..." break CloseKey(aKey) print r"*** Writing to SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run ***" aKey = OpenKey(aReg, r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", 0, KEY_WRITE) try: SetValueEx(aKey,"MyNewKey",0, REG_SZ, r"c:\winnt\explorer.exe") except EnvironmentError: print "Encountered problems writing into the Registry..." CloseKey(aKey) CloseKey(aReg)


import win32serviceutil def service_info(action, machine, service): if action == 'stop': win32serviceutil.StopService(service, machine) print '%s stopped successfully' % service elif action == 'start': win32serviceutil.StartService(service, machine) print '%s started successfully' % service elif action == 'restart': win32serviceutil.RestartService(service, machine) print '%s restarted successfully' % service elif action == 'status': if win32serviceutil.QueryServiceStatus(service, machine)[1] == 4: print "%s is running normally" % service else: print "%s is *not* running" % service if __name__ == '__main__': machine = 'cr582427-a' service = 'Zope23' action = 'start' service_info(action, machine, service)


# 以下の内容をsetup.pyとして保存 # python setup.py py2exeで実行ファイルができる # setup.py from distutils.core import setup import glob import py2exe # 単純なコンソールアプリ setup(console=["fxdata.py"]) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Windowsアプリ # setup(name="myclock", # windows=["myclock.py"], # ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # データを持たせる場合 # setup(console=["myscript.py"], # data_files=[("bitmaps", # ["bm/large.gif", "bm/small.gif"]), # ("fonts", # glob.glob("fonts\\*.fnt"))], # ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Windows NTサービス # setup(service=["MyService"]) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # COMサーバー # setup(com_server=["win32com.server.interp"])


pdb を使ってデバッグするにはコマンドラインに以下のように入力します。

% pdb デバッグ対象のPythonスクリプト




class Test: def __init__(self): print "Test" def run(self): print "run"


import test class Test1(test.Test): def __init__(self): test.Test.__init__(self) print "Test1" def run(self): print "run1"


import test class Test2(test.Test): def __init__(self): test.Test.__init__(self) print "Test2" def run(self): print "run2"



import test def importName(modulename, name): """ モジュール(modulename)からオブジェクト(name)をインポートする """ try: module = __import__(modulename, globals(), locals(), [name]) except ImportError: return None return vars(module)[name] def runTest(modulename): """ モジュールを実行する """ Tester = importName(modulename.split('.')[0], modulename.split('.')[1]) tester = Tester() tester.run() if __name__ == "__main__": print '-' * 80 runTest("test1.Test1") print '-' * 80 runTest("test2.Test2")


import profile profile.run('__test()')


import ctypes mtc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary("MTClient.dll") print mtc mtcStart = mtc.MTCStartAll mtcWaitUpdate = mtc.MTCWaitUpdate mtcStop = mtc.MTCStop print mtcStart, mtcWaitUpdate, mtcStop result = ctypes.c_buffer(0x100); handle = mtcStart("USDJPY", result) for i in range(10): ret = mtcWaitUpdate(handle, 2) if ret != 0: print repr(result.value) else: print i, "timeout" mtcStop(handle)
inserted by FC2 system